Bott supporting Pride with Virgin Media
Long-standing customers, Virgin Media, supplied with unique vehicles.
Designed specially to support Pride, Bott recently handed over 6 unique vehicles to Virgin Media.
Having converted two special edition vehicles in 2018, these vans were equipped with racking and electrical systems at Bott’s Midlands Vehicle Conversion centre, the bright decals were supplied & applied on-site by Aura Graphics.
The vehicles made their debut at Manchester Pride, from 23rd – 26th August 2019, and will continue to feature throughout a number of Pride events across the country.
Having worked with Virgin Media since 2006, these vans were picked out of Virgin Media’s latest batch, comprising of 350 vehicles.
Having been involved in such a great project last year, it was a privilege to be able to work with Virgin Media in supporting a such a great cause in Pride again in 2019.